Tuesday, January 8, 2008

six traits

Dear Reader,
The novel King of the Mild Frontier by Chris Crutcher is an autobiography that includes some of the best writing I have ever seen in an autobiography. Crutcher uses the six plus one traits of writing like no one else. For those of you that do not know what these traits are, get ready because here they come. First there is Voice, followed by ideas and content. Next is sentence fluency. Word choice is next in line. Conventions, organization, and presentation are the last ones in the list.
First in Chris’s book, the voice is amazing. He was there and they are stories that have actually happened to him so he is the pro. This part must have come easy to him. Who would know how to describe a situation better than the person that was in that situation? He knows what it feels like in the situation and so he can write the story with great ease and understanding.
Secondly, there is ideas and content which flows much like voice in the story. Having King of the Mild Frontier be an autobiography, the ideas and content are just the stories that have happened in his life. It doesn’t take much to write about because all that has to be done is remembering and writing down the words and scenes that you remember.
Next there is the trait called sentence fluency. The book King of The Mild Frontier has a good sentence fluency. You really can understand what he is trying to say and he easily gets the point across. There are some sentences that could have been altered to make it an easier read. Most of these sentences are ones that were quotes from his life or describing a scene and so he used the words that would be used in everyday speech. Some of these however do not flow as well when in context with the rest of the story and could have been changed. Overall his sentence fluency is very good however
Fourth I have word choice. There are so many quotes that he used form his childhood and the other time periods in his life. The word choice varies excessively throughout the book and so it makes it hard to put all of it in one sentence. When he is not quoting himself or trying to describe himself he has an amazing word choice.
Now there is the convections and organization. All of his convections for King of the Mild Frontier are correct since it is a published book. His organization is one that is not seen very often. He doesn’t use chronological order. He puts them in order so that he can go back and quote his own words in parts of his life that may be before the part of his life the is actually quoting so it makes the whole story easier to read.
Finally, there is the presentation of the book. This is the cover of the book. I think that there is no point of the cover that was chosen. It doesn’t relate to the book at all. The cover is a single boy and the story is about his entire life so I think that there should have been several pictures of Mr. Crutcher. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope that is was extremely informative.

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